Sunday, July 13, 2014

How to Get Over Someone pt. 3, 4 & 5

by WikiHow - Third Part: Living Life and Moving On

1. Go out.
Leave the house. Go to places you've never been before, or just about anywhere you want to. Shop, dine and travel -- or just walk in the park, swim on the beach, have fun. Staying inside makes you think deep about things that you should get over with but life is easier when you think about it less. :)

2. Hang out with friends.
Your friends might have a slight grudge on you during the time that you are all over your ex or crush, make up with them by hanging out again with those folks. They understand you but remind them that you still remember them as your friends. But don't let them push you to a new relationship if you're not ready.

3. Meet new people.
There are so much more fishes in the sea (and don't ever tell me that he/she is your effing sea because in this phase, you should've moved on already). Meeting new people might actually be hard but it is by meeting new people that you can know that you can be appreciated and loved -- again. But don't push yourself into the dating scene if you're still not ready. Meeting doesn't mean loving them too. Meeting new people means new interests, hobbies and so on. :)

5. Love yourself.
Above all else, realize that you are worthy of being loved, no matter what anybody else may think or feel. Enjoy being alone because for an amount of time, you spent your time to, for and with him/ her. And don't blame yourself for what had happened. Things break and sometimes, it can't be fixed. That's how the world revolves. So don't feel like you are not worthy to be loved again. Because you are.

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Fourth Part: Specific Circumstances - Crushes

1. Get over a crush.
It's NOT easier to get over with a crush than a break up. Especially if your crush has a partner of his/her own now. It won't go any further if you don't get near and I suppose you won't. So stop it now.

2. Halt inappropriate feelings.
There are circumstances where crushes are inappropriate: he/she is already married or in a relationship, too young or too old for you, or your crush could be a co-worker where an inter-office romance in prohibited. Control yourself big time. And remind yourself why you shouldn't pursue that relationship. (wikihow)

3. Let go of unreturned feelings.
Many people are too foolish that even if they don't that their feelings for someone wont' be returned, they still continue on doing it. Stop keeping you hopes up. Your love is wasted and lost, don't continue wasting your love away, find someone who might return it the way you want it to be returned.

4. Stop regretting a suitor you turned away.
There's a reason that you turned him/her down, always remind yourself of that. And don't fixate yourself on the past.


Fifth Part: Specific Circumstances - Break ups

1. Move on.
Forever is bull----. So don't worry. You are not the first person to ever experience a break up. It may actually not be your first time breaking up. No matter how long your relationship had been, break ups is almost always as painful. It's not about the time you spent together but the closeness and intimacy you had in those moments. But here's the thing: again, you should never regret. Even if you're the one who initiated the break up, never regret. Remember: there's a reason why you, two, broke up. Always think about that and not how much you miss the person.

2. Move on past someone who has already done the same.
If an ex had moved on already and has a new partner, don't be bitter about it even though it might actually be hard not to. Accept your sadness but don't let it dwell on you. Look into the future, forget the past. Meet new people. Love again and stay there.

3. Get over with your first love.
It might be harder to move on from your first-to-be-the-last love than anyone else. Of course. The first is always the hardest. But remember why things didn't work out, love yourself and let the love in. First love never dies but true love can bury it alive. <3

4. Cheaters don't deserve to be thought about.
You might have loved him very much. But he didn't cared much that's why he cheated. Okay. Now, honey, go FLIRT your way out of that love and don't worry about rebound relationships because love grows, you can love a person you don't really love in the first place. And see your own value. don't blame yourself for his infidelity. See this as an opportunity to love a better person than your ex.


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