Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Art of Eating FEWA.

: Footlong with Egg Wrapped Around.

: hotdogs that are foot-long.

a hard-shelled oval thing from which a young bird is born;also : an oval or round thing from which a snake, frog, insect, etc., is born.

There's this food that is available in one of the kiosk in PLM named - FEWA. What's so different about it?

It's a foot-long-hotdog-wrapped-in-scrambled-egg sandwhich that is so yummy (sometimes salty) and at the same time cheap. For only P38.00, you can buy a FEWA which you can eat by a foot-long or you can share it with someone and still have a full tummy.

Here is a picture of my FEWA:

I can probably say that that picture is not so enticing at all, but! I swear, that's so masarap (delicious)! It has coleslaw in it, CHEESE! (i don't like cheese but my friend, whom I shared FEWA with, loves them, so I don't really have a choice. Haha. That's what friendship is for right? Give and take. and the next time we'll eat it again, Joana, no cheese please! :)

Another image:

Haha! This image is awful but I really want to introduce you guys to my friend, Angelica. She's not eating FEWA but she's obviously enjoying her meal. Guys, I say, you should really try eating FEWA.

The Art:

You see, it's easy, though a lot of people find it MESSY to eat. You just eat it whole, don't mind people who'll think that your mouth is big, enjoy and savor its delicious mix. Be happy, YOLO! :) I never did once messed-up-eating it. :)

Speak while your mouth is full because it'[s fun and hell, funny. Haha. right? It's even funnier when you choke but don't dare choking when you don't have a drink beside you. :D

Yet another image:

This is my friend Joana. Haha. She's posing with her FEWA. Nothing much to say though. :)


FEWA for me is happiness. Being cranky, full and playful. I don't what's in this thing that makes me happy. Maybe it's because of it's essence of sharing when you can't really finish something all by yourself. Maybe it's because of it's softness that's not hard to eat at all. Maybe it's the challenge of getting something inside your mouth that's full of volume. Or maybe it's because of the memories I shared and remembered whilst eating this wondrous thing. It's a simple FEWA, but hell, I don't like footlongs, I don't like cheese, I don't like eggs nor buns, but I like the fact that when the things I hate get mixed up, it turns into something unexpectedly likable.

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