Saturday, July 12, 2014

How to Get Over Someone pt. 2

by wikihow - Second Part: Cutting Ties

1. Keep your distance.
Don't text, call, or email him/her. If possible, don't go to places that he usually goes to. Of course it can be hard if he/she is your work mate or classmate but if so, don't try to have eye contact or even a small nod or conversation with him/her (IF YOU ARE NOT READY YET). And lastly, don't do all of these in hopes of him missing you, my friend, it'll only frustrate you, trust me, I'm not an engineer, nor am I an expert but I'm great so, just, listen. Okay? :)

2. Stop cyber-stalking.
Don't check on the subject's Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram or any social media account that he/she is associated to. It doesn't do you any good. It'll only consume your time and you'll probably obsess over it and never get over him.

3. Never be intimate with the person.
Wikihow says that this refers to physical and emotional intimacy. This is too early for me to say this but! this is a rule meant to be followed forever and ever as long as you're not together. (Does that hurt?)

4. Toss out any reminders.
Any of the previous steps won't help if you still have a lot of things that remind you of him/her. It's gonna give you a hard time moving on. So, throw the things that makes you remember him like your old photos together, scrapbooks, letters, etc. But if you can't throw them out, just keep them in a box and place it somewhere you can't usually see. P.S. You don't really need to throw expensive things or special edition items (e.g. a signed book from a favorite author), if you want, you can give it to me. Just message me. :)

If you have kids, put them in the box too. Haha. JK. NEVER put kids, pets or any alive creatures in a box. :)

5. Be friends when ready.
Reconciliation is actually possible for ex-lovers. So, you guys, can still be friends. But if it seems impossible, you should at least make amends so that if you ever come see him/her again, you won't try to kill each other. And if you're not ready yet, don't push it. It'll only make you feel worse. Reconcile if and only if, you don't have any romantic feelings left and if you've accepted the things the way they are. Also, limit your efforts in comprising. If he/she didn't accept it at first try, accept that an amendment is not possible, move on.


Images aren't mine, based on WikiHow's article How To Get Over Someone. :) Learn to be happier, you'll see, you'll be happier. :)

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